A New Chapter!

Well today marks my first full day of a brand new chapter of my life! You see, I am no longer employed in the traditional sense. I will be accepting a consulting position with the same company, but no more 40+ hour work weeks! [Read more…]

Success in Photography

Fear… Doubts… Procrastination… Not working hard enough… Not taking risks… All these things, and more, sabotage our efforts to succeed…

This video is inspiring to me…  I keep reminding myself to work at it harder!!!

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Fascinating Ancestry

It’s funny how some stories come to you when you least expect it. I was chatting with a friend the other day after a photo session, and one thing led to another, and she told me about the story of Mary Jemison.

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Blogging Restart (hopefully)

For the umpteenth time, I’m going to try to establish a regular habit of blogging.  For whatever reason I seem to have a hard time staying with it – which is a little ironic, because I actually like to write! [Read more…]

When your camera gets all the credit

“Wow!  Your camera sure takes incredible photos!”   Why do statements like this incite irritation in some photographers?  I mean as a photographer myself, I do understand the source of the frustration, there is more to a great shot than just having a great camera in hand, but then again I also have a “so what” attitude regarding statements like that too… If people like your photos, does it really matter? [Read more…]

A New Photography Season, and a New Gallery Theme!

Well, here it is almost the end of March, and a new photography season is almost upon us!!  Unlike a lot of photographers, I usually do not shoot much during the Winter months. My time, my season, is Spring, Summer, and Fall…  In honor of this, I have changed my site theme to something a little more lively and bright!!  🙂

I think, if everything goes as planned, I should have a very busy and fun season this year!!!  Model shoots, horse show events, a wedding, and of course all of my impromptu, spur of the moment, just for fun photo ops!!!

Fun, fun, fun!!!!  🙂

Hope to see everyone through the camera lens soon!  🙂

New season of photography

There is something about the arrival of spring this year that has given me the “itch” to get started with this years photo season. . .  I’m not sure what it is. . .  Maybe it’s because this winter seems to have lasted months longer than normal – obviously it didn’t really, but it sure seems that it had. . . 

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Getting back to basics. . .

I’m going to try to do something creative this weekend. I’ve been spending WAY too much time following politics and getting caught up in all the rhetoric. It IS an addicting thing to follow, but for me at least, it can be quite stressful as well, to the point where I sometimes actually get angry at what’s being said. Well, I’ve got to get away from all that for a bit, get back to basics and start modeling, texturing, and rendering again!!

Band wagon e-mail causes

I’m sure you’ve all seen these pop-up in your inboxes from time to time from well meaning friends who were considerate enough to CC you along with 50 more of their friends and acquaintances. The problem with most of these, no matter how good their intentions are, is that most people don’t stop to research whether the message they’re propagating is factual before they jump on the “band-wagon” and forward it on to the masses. 

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